
Yeah, I’m not quite sure why I called it The Wildebeest (whill-deh-beast) either.

I’m Jeff. In a past life I was the Senior Staff Writer for hip-hop blog KevinNottingham.com (RIP to the ~blog era~), and in my day job, I’m a reporter, journalist and podcaster for a Big Company (TM) (C) (R).

I listen to a lot of music. And I love talking about it, to pretty much anyone who will listen. 

Hence, this site. I’ve been doing it for a decade at this point.

So here I post music I like from a variety of genres and decades, and talk about why I like them and why it’s worth your time to give it a listen. If I get at least one person interested in something new, then I did my job. I also hope that I get to learn a few things myself, and get some new recommendations into songs, artists, and genres I haven’t encountered yet.  If you have suggestions, recommendations into music to check out, feel free to leave a comment or hit me up via the icons at the top.

Now, let’s not forget:

All content here is copyright ©2012-2024, The Wildebeest and me, Jeff Leon. Simply put, bite my content and I will beat your ass.
The writer and this blog is not responsible for anything presented in the links or audio posted, so be warned. Everything in those links are the property of the owners. Simply put, bite their stuff and they’ll probably beat your ass.

Also, if you hear something you like, buy their stuff and see them live. The artists would really appreciate it.

Lastly, don’t call the RIAA or do one of those content copyright strikes on me, please.

Oh, and there are no actual Wildebeests here either. Go away, PETA.